HFCB – Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya

Rev. Sr. Charitha Thandalge



I humbly say “YES” to my call as a religious, surrendering myself totally to the will of God to lead Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya, one of the prestigious Catholic girls’ school in Sri Lanka.

I take the responsibility together with my religious family, staff and the extended family of Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya to form young women of virtue and wisdom, who can light up the world through a holistic education.

Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya has been fulfilling this great mission for over 120 years. When our founder Blessed Pierre Bienvenu Noailles dreamed of an association which could become a blessing to the scattered children of God in France after the revolution. The Sisters who engaged in the ministry of educating young minds dedicated their services to uplift the lives of students. Especially in transforming their families into the model of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

We, the Holy Family sisters, as the pioneer women religious in Sri Lanka, have contributed much to the education of the children all over Sri Lanka. The services have been gracefully rendered throughout the years reading the signs of the time.

Education can change the society. Today what is needed in Sri Lanka is a holistic education. This refers to a type of education that would play a key role in supplying the many needs of society. Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya thereby is rich soil where the concept of unity in diversity could be cultivated.

“If at all times and all places you have but one heart, one soul and one will to save souls and to give glory to God”

In keeping with these words of our founder, let’s work hand in hand to obtain these graces we need.