- info@hfcb.lk
- Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya, Galle Road , Colombo 04
HFCB – Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya
As Familians, we are called upon to “be family” and foster spirit.
Simplicity and concern for others, good conduct, courtesy and modesty are hallmarks of a Familian. Be always aware that you and your school are judged and identified by your conduct wherever you may be.
A Familian will show respect to all those she comes in contact with.Concern for others should be a priority of Familian. As such, students should show their willingness to help anyone, at any moment of need, regardless of whether the person is known to you or not.
The words “Please”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me” and “I’m sorry” are an essential part of a Familian’s vocabulary. Make an effort to use them. Students are expected to respect and obey all those in authority, the Principal, the teaching staff (of both the college and primary), the administrative staff and the office bearers of the school.
Honesty is always the best policy. Always speak the truth, own up to mistakes. Respect others’ property. If you find anything that belongs to someone else, please hand it over to the school office.
The school bell rings at 7.15am. All students should be in their classrooms by the first bell. Every effort should be made to arrive on time. Every effort should be made to arrive on time. Punctuality is an important characteristic of a responsible student. Habitual lateness will be taken up by prefects or teachers.
Students should not be late for lessons held outside their classrooms. They should make their way as quickly as possible to the music room/halls/the playground/laboratories/libraries etc. when the bell rings.
After the interval, students should line up quickly and quietly outside their own classroom when the first bell is rung. Prefects will supervise you until the teacher due for the 5th period arrives. Remain in line quietly until you hear the second bell, after which you may enter the classroom with your teacher.
Students should remain quietly in class after each bell rings until the teacher arrives. Keep in mind that others are working and be considerate in not disturbing them.
Food/drink is to be consumed only before school commences, during the interval or after school. Permission should be obtained from the teacher if you need to drink something during lessons. Chewing gum is not allowed during lessons.
Walk quickly and quietly along the school corridors and staircases. Do not disturb classes by speaking loudly near classrooms or speaking to students through windows or doors. No student is allowed to walk around school during lessons without a legitimate reason.
Silence should be observed during morning and afternoon prayers and after the interval bell. Students should stop walking and talking when prayers begin.
Students should observe silence when entering the chapel.
When walking along the road do not behave in a manner that will disturb traffic or pedestrians. Do not block bus halts or pavements.
Talking in loud voices in public places is impolite and inconsiderate. Behaviour while travelling to and from school in vans, buses and other forms of public transport, should be in keeping with the high standards of Familian courtesy and conduct. Any complaints regarding bad behaviour will be dealt with severely.
Students are not permitted to visit shops and other public places in school uniform, unless accompanied by a parent or teacher.
No photographs of students or any other publicity is allowed in the mass media, including websites, blogs or social networks on the web, with the exception of the school website, unless prior permission has been obtained from the Principal.
Leave to absent oneself from school or permission to leave during school hours will be entirely at the discretion of the Principal/Vice Principal. Students who wish to leave school early for some valid reason (except in the case of illnesses) are expected to bring a letter from their parents, at least one day before the event.
Students should not fix any outside examinations or classes during school hours. No permission will be granted in such cases.
The correct school uniform consists of a waisted dress with pleated skirt and belt and short sleeves, the school tie, a pocket with the school monogram, white shoes, plain white socks, blue ribbons, plain black hair clips/ bands, white petticoat or vest and underskirt. Your tie and monogram identify you as a student of Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya. Your tie should always be worn with the rest of the uniform.
Click here to view the school uniform
Fancy accessories such as fancy wrist watches, jewellery and fancy shoes are not permitted. A pair of plain gold ear-studs may be worn.
Hair styles should be simple and befitting a school girl and long hair should be plaited and tied back with a blue ribbon. No fancy hair combs, clips or slides are permitted. Tinted hair is not allowed in school, nor hands tinted with mehendi.
Students should take pride in the work they do. Text books donated by the government should be used with care. Books should be clean and maintained properly, work should be handed in on time and should be neat and legibly written. Students must observe regular hours of study at home.
Grade meetings will be held once a term. In addition, parents who wish to meet any teacher could do so on the first Thursday of every month from 8:30 a.m. to 12.00 noon. The Principal will be available to meet parents on Monday and Thursday of each week, between 8:30 a.m. and 12.00 noon.
School property and its environment should be treated with respect.
The property of the school should be used with care. Rocking on chairs, dragging furniture, scribbling on walls, losing sports equipment and other such carelessness and vandalism is not acceptable. Library books should be treated with utmost care.
The teachers’ furniture, the white and blackboards, chalk and white board markers are for the use of the teachers only.
Take responsibility for creating a clean, healthy, beautiful environment around you. Keep your classrooms and grounds clean. Use the relevant bins for items you discard, especially for waste paper. Do not destroy the foliage. Return empty bottles to the canteen. Use toilets and showers with consideration for others. Participate in school service conscientiously.
Charts and posters should be put up only on the wooden strips on the classroom walls and notice boards.
Remember to switch off lights and fans when you leave the classroom or halls.
The school office is not a place in which to congregate. When it is necessary to go to the office, please observe silence.
The staff room is out of bounds for students during, before or after school. If you wish to speak to any teacher, a message may be conveyed through another teacher.
The medical centre is available, as are certain medicines, for students who have a genuine illness or physical problems. Students are reminded that the medical centre is not to be used as a place for idling, chatting with friends who are ill, or as an excuse to cut classes. Only the authorities may send a student to the medical centre.
Sports and physical education are integral to the curriculum, and all students are expected to participate at least in the weekly Physical Education and game activities. If there is a valid reason for not participating, a letter of excuse and explanation must be sent in by the parents/guardian to the sports teacher.
Girls who take part in sports after school, should change into regular dress on completion of the activity.
Students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as are organized by the Unions and Societies in the interest of gaining an all-round education. Parents are recommended to support such participation with a view to molding students with balanced personalities.
Students are not allowed to participate in any kind of public performance, whether sporting, cultural or otherwise, without the permission of the Principal.
Permission will not be granted for activities such as modelling, participating in beauty pageants, fashion parades, acting in films, in the theatre, on television, in advertisements or other similar events, which may distract a student from her primary focus of attention.
Students whose conduct or application to studies is persistently unsatisfactory may be suspended from school or dismissed at the discretion of the Principal.
Strict disciplinary action will be taken against any student whose behaviour brings disrepute to the school. Students should bear this in mind wherever they may be, on public transport, in school vans, on roads, at functions, at inter-school gatherings and other public places, regardless of whether or not you are in school uniform.
The school is pleased to announce that the Inter-House Sports Meet of the College Section will be held at St. Peter’s College Grounds.
Date: 07th of March, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
“Night Sky Observation Camp” – Learn Basic Astronomy for 12 Hours…
Date: 14th – 15th of March, 2025
Time: 5:00 p.m. (14th) to 7:00 a.m. (15th)